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dr Aneta Chybicka
Managing Director
Gdansk University, Marrymount College, City University of New York – Master’s Degree and PhD in Psychology
Coaching – international license of the Coaching Community
The School of Trainers (Levels 1&2) of Polish Psychologists' Association
The School of Linguistic Programming – practitioner and Master’s Degree
Founder of the Culture4grow company and researcher at the University of Gdańsk - specialization in intercultural psychology for business
Founder of Culture4grow training and consulting. For 24 years she has conducted trainings and offered her support through consulting. She is a certified ICC coach, has a recommendation from Polish Psychologists' Association for leading workshop groups, and developing psychosocial skills and training formulas. Aneta is a specialist in the techniques of group problem-solving and decision-making, effective teamwork, as well as a moderator of intercompany groups of problem-solving. As a research fellow in the Institute of Psychology, she specializes in multicultural psychology. She is an author of numerous academic and popular scientific publications (i.e. Open Mind Creates, The Psychology of Group Creativity, A Woman in Culture, and Culture and Gender – an intimate relation). She created an original model of competence management, which was successfully implemented in number of large financial companies.
Organizations which she supported with training and/or consulting projects include
Siemens, Intel, Polpharma, mBank, Wavemaker, Cargill Poland, Ceramika Paradyż, GroupM, NATO – CIMIC, International Paper, Pfizer Polska, Hestia Insurance, Dr Irena Eris, Citibank, Energa, PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna S.A., Polkomtel, PGE GiEK S.A.
Involvement, passion, creativity
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